Create a short video (1min) about your assigned font and what you think is interesting regarding this font and its characteristics.
My assigned font was Hobo and I decided for a more history related video due to the fact that Hobo has in my opinion a very interesting background. Hobo is also seen as a 'crappy font' just like Comic Sans, but that is not necessarily the case.
I also noticed that I saw Hobo appear a lot in the cities I visit a lot as well. If you look around in Rotterdam, there's a lot of examples of hobo you can find.
some personal examples of Hobo that I found in Rotterdam.
some messy process: me trying to understand what to say in the video and how to organise the amount of information I found about the history of the type & all
sources that I used when researching the history and origin of this font:
instagram tag: #hobofoundahome
the true history behind the Hobo font
Hobo Flickr group
Fontsinuse: Hobo
Typographica: Hobeaux
Typographic map of your room
I wanted to create something with the memories I have connected to objects. When someone enters my room they see all these things. When using the theory from this course to describe this way of viewing I would say they only see the Signifier, not the Signified
Signifier: the sign
Signified: the meaning
How do I visualise all these stories that come together in my room? How would translate the way I view my room to others?
Some brainstorms & mindmapping I did in my process journal to make sense of all the information I collected
I tried writing down the most precious and strong memories I had connected to the objects in my room.
This really helped me by creating some content to work with. I was struggling quite a bit with only using typography to design something
A couple of months ago I also did a project only containing typography and some other restrictions
I liked the idea of using more 'spatial elements in this project. I see my room also as something 3D, it's not just four walls and a roof.
I thought about describing my room in a more abstract way, but I figured that I still saw my room as a room with a closet, a desk and a bed in it. Only the more personal items had a real memory coupled to them.
Also my goal for this assignment was to also learn something new (a new skill within one of the programs)
I discovered that you are able to work in 3D in illustrator!
My room as a reference
First I tried something like this, but it didn't really communicate the feeling of a room, it looked a lot more like an infographic.
the number 27 is my favourite number & also the number engraved on the key to my room.
I did some proper 3D stuff in illustrator. This was just a sketch
I tried out some colour variations, these colours were a bit too dark when comparing them to the identity of my room
For me, my room is a happy space where I can relax and be myself, also a lot of people I'm close to come into my room a lot so for me it's a happy space, therefore the happy colours
These are the colours I would use if my room was a place I wouldn't feel to happy to be in.
The abstract words spell:
- closet
- desk
- bed
- room
The font I used:
Nueue Machina is a font with a lot of Geometry in it, this connected to the spacial element I wanted to add. It's also a font which refers to autonomous letterpress techniques due to its deep ink-traps.
The end result: